Delete Pending BGP Peer Group Configuration

You can delete pending configuration on a BGP peer group.

About this task

Follow this procedure to remove the pending configuration on a BGP peer group.


Run the following command:
efa tenant service bgp peer-group configure

The efa tenant service bgp peer-group configure command pushes or removes a pending configuration on a BGP peer group instance when it is in one of the following states:

bgp-pg-delete-pending | bgp-pg-peer-group-delete-pending | bgp-pg-peer-group-activate-pending


efa tenant service bgp peer-group show
Name        : tv3_pg1
Tenant      : tv3
State       : bgp-pg-peer-group-delete-pending

|  Device IP  | Peer Group | Remote |        Activate        | Next Hop |   Update   |   BFD   |           BFD            |  Dev State  |  App State  |
|             |            |  ASN   |  [AFI,SAFI->Activate]  |   Self   | Source IP  | Enabled | [Interval,Rx,Multiplier] |             |             |
| |    pg1     | 95002  | ipv4, unicast -> true  |   true   | |  true   |       660, 506, 20       | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
|             |            |        | ipv6, unicast -> false |          |            |         |                          |             |             |
| |    pg1     | 95002  | ipv4, unicast -> true  |   true   | |  true   |       660, 506, 20       | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
|             |            |        | ipv6, unicast -> false |          |            |         |                          |             |             |
BGP PeerGroup Details


--- Time Elapsed: 433.275989ms ---

(efa:extreme)extreme@node-1:~$ efa tenant service bgp peer-group configure --name tv3_pg1 --tenant tv3

BgpService configured successfully.

--- Time Elapsed: 8.920535933s ---

(efa:extreme)extreme@node-1:~$ efa tenant service bgp peer-group show
Name        : tv3_pg1
Tenant      : tv3
State       : bgp-pg-created

|  Device IP  | Peer Group | Remote |        Activate        | Next Hop |   Update   |   BFD   |           BFD            |  Dev State  |  App State  |
|             |            |  ASN   |  [AFI,SAFI->Activate]  |   Self   | Source IP  | Enabled | [Interval,Rx,Multiplier] |             |             |
| |    pg1     | 95002  | ipv4, unicast -> true  |   true   | |  true   |       660, 506, 20       | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
|             |            |        | ipv6, unicast -> false |          |            |         |                          |             |             |
BGP PeerGroup Details


--- Time Elapsed: 433.275989ms ---